We love chocolates! Most of us do, especially children because is sweet tasting. So here are the 5 mains reasons why most people love chocolates:
1. Awesome sugar fix
2. Fix hunger pangs
3. Need to feel good or to boost your mood
4. Body in need of magnesium
5. Need a caffeine boost
Chocolate is not bad food if you know how to have it in a healthy way. In fact, there are several health benefits of chocolate that come from natural cocoa:
– boost your mood
– improve immunity
– is a powerful source of antioxidants
– lowering cholesterol levels
– many more!
We have a newfound favourite chocolate brand and that is Läderach Chocolatier Suisse. The very first-time smarties found this shop at the Jewel Changi Airport, they were in awe! The big pieces of chocolate nicely displayed at the storefront are all too welcoming.
Before we make any purchase, we wanted smarties to try making the chocolate at home and understand what goes behind all these chocolates. Most importantly, to teach them to appreciate the food and to build a connection with it.
Here’s a video on how smarties enjoyed making the chocolate:
Now that they have understood the making of these chocolates and appreciating it, we made a trip back to Läderach Chocolatier Suisse.
A little history
Läderach Chocolatier Suisse came from an authentic Swiss family heritage spanning decades from the first Läderach chocolate factory in 1962. The word Läderach stands for noticeable freshness which you can feel, taste and enjoy. In regards to the creative and artistic work on each chocolate, it is all from the creativity and enthusiasm from the Läderach Chocolatiers

Want to know exactly how smarties chocolate tasting went? Then you got to watch the video!
For more information about Läderach Chocolatier Suisse:
Website: www.laderach.com.sg
Facebook: www.facebook.com/laderachsingapore
Instagram: @laderach_singapore
First Läderach boutique in Southeast Asia:
Jewel Changi Airport
Open Daily, 9am-11pm