Smarties had spent lots of time working on crafts projects this holiday and this week we embarked on Christmas craft because Christmas is just around the corner! This year, we made an exceptionally special craft. During the process, smarties got to express themselves through their creation. They got to develop their cognitive skills by making their own decisions and experiencing the making choices about their art work. What’s more, at the end of the craft, they got to work on their mouth and lung exercises too!
Materials required are pretty easily found at home, otherwise, it can be easily found in any malls. What you need is as follows:
1. A box. Make it into a photo frame with one side cut out so that you can look into the box.
2. Paint for the background. Cotton to make the snowman.
3. Glue, scissors and coloured paper for the children to cut and decorate their boxes.
4. I have provided a packet of spongy shapes for them to decorate further. One side of it has sticky tape on it and they had a hard time trying to remove the paper. A really good way to work on their motor skills.
5. Gor gor created more shapes and patterns out of what was provided. Mei mei saw it and follow suit (monkey see, monkey do).
6. Finally, once all decorations are completed. They stick on a transparency to cover up the “hole”, pour in some expanded polystyrene(EPS) and cover the box. Punch a hole on top of the box and place a straw into it. Taa daa!! We have a snowing snowman box!
Those are darling!
Thank you, Camie 🙂
Another great DIY idea..tqvm for sharing!!
Welcome 🙂
Initially i thought this is a usual diy craft but am amazed to see the snow! Am going to bookmark this and try it next time.
Yeah, do give it a try! Is really fun 🙂
This is so adorable! What an awesome idea to make your Christmas more special.
Wow, that looks really fun and engaging! Another DIY idea for this non-crafty mama 😛 Thank you for sharing!
Very welcome 😉
Creative idea! Can add more Snow 🙂
Just curious, do you test arts&craft stuffs yourself beforehand? (must invest in time and creative juices but the end-results are fantastic )
cheers, Andy
Yeah, I can’t find any more of those snow. If you see any, do let me know 😉
I don’t test it at all actually. If it doesn’t turn out to be what we wanted, we either remake again together or we try to recreate in a different way. Reason is that I want the kids to experience the process and they have to be able to accept not all end results are according to what they want.
Such fun DIY… Definitely will keep the kids entertained!!!
Jamie Chaw,
Yes it does! 🙂
Wow, the best part is that kids get to blow their ‘snow’ in their Creative craft work! Amazing!
Yeah, the kids can’t wait to blow it when they were in the process of making it. 😉
I always loveeee to see the Smarties doing their interesting crafts and stuff. This one looks really easy even for my 4yo boy!! Gonna bookmark this for days when they have to stay in. Hehehe
Thank you Jacqualine 🙂
Hope to see your craftworks soon 😉
So creative! and it keeps the kids engaged too! Great activity!
Thank you Winnie 🙂