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Lup Wai – Parent Whisperer

Chinese New Year cum Halloween muffins!

    If you have read our previous post on “Getting ready for Lunar New Year!“, we will be baking after that and, oh yes, we did! The kids were asking to bake muffins for many days, finally we have the time to do it! While I was preparing, the kids have already stand by in the kitchen waiting for their turn to take over the procedure. You can tell from here how excited and enthusiastic they are on baking.

    The kids started reading off the recipe and weigh out the required ingredients. Once all the ingredients were properly mixed, they requested to add some colours to it as it looked boring. Lots of request from the kids whenever we work on something *rolled eyes*, don’t believe? Read on….

    I took out a few bottles of baking essence for them to choose what colours to mix into their muffins. My boy chose green, my girl chose pink and they started mixing it up. Finally it is done and they started to scoop into each muffin paper cups.
    IMG_0019-1 IMG_0021-1

    Once the muffin cups are filled, what’s next? Into the oven right? Nope… you have to hang on… because the kids wanted to add chocolate chips on it so that it will taste better *crossed eyes*. See! LOL! Ok I gave in and gave them a box of chocolate chips to add on. While adding the chocolate chips, they “stole” a few pieces and put it into their mouth instead of mixing into the muffins.

    Finally, into the oven the muffins go. Now we wait for it to be baked. I always love the yellow light in the oven when taking a picture of the food baking inside. It makes the picture looks so warm and nice. Agree?

    Time’s up and the muffin is ready to be eaten. To my horror, it looks more like Halloween bakes! Take a look! The green makes it looks like the colour that represents Frankenstein and the pink looks bloody. Not forgetting the little cracks on top of the muffin makes it look eerie too! Guess what? I shall bookmark this for this year’s Halloween bakes!

    Enough said, let’s try it out. Surprisingly, the taste is delicious! The cake has the right moisture and the texture is soft and spongy. Not bad for a not-so-pretty muffin.


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